DFG-Project Fund Articles
The DFG-project fund differs from our classic FAU-publications fund by two aspects:
This funding model operates on a flat-rate principle. This means that eligible articles can be funded up to a maximum of 1.260,50 € (net) or 1.500 € (gross). All eligible invoices up to this amount will be paid for by the library in full, with no author contribution. Secondly, funding is not limited to Article Processing Charges (APCs) below a certain threshold. As long as you are able to cover the excess costs yourselves, you can request funding towards APCs in more expensive journals. Example: If your article meets the eligibility criteria of the DFG-project fund and the APC is 4.540 € (net)/5.390, 70 € (gross), the library will pay the invoice in full, subtract the flat rate of 1500 € and invoice you the remaining 3890, 70 €.
Please complete all mandatory fields so that we can vet your invoice:
My article is published under an open Creative-Commons-licence, with CC-BY as default. I have not granted the publisher exclusive rights of use. (You should only deviate from the CC-BY licence choice if you are under legal obligation to do so.) .
I am aware, that granting the publisher exclusive rights of use (Caution: take note of the warning label “publisher’s own licence” in the Directory of Open Access Journals) can lead to funding being withdrawn (you might be required to pay back previously granted funding).
Only submit this form if you are the Corresponding Author!
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 2 MB, Max. files: 4.
The University Library usually transfers the full invoice amount first so that the publisher receives his or her money quickly. If the publisher's invoice exceeds €1,260.50 net or €1,500 gross, the University Library will then invoice the author for the difference on top.