Open Access Submission Form – Library Funding Options
In line with its Open-Science-Policy, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) offers support with Open Access publishing. Financial support is available via the library, as long as third-party funding options have been exhausted and eligibility criteria are met.
The university library manages three funds corresponding to financial resources provided by the university and the DFG. As part of the new DFG-funding programme “Open-Access-Publikationskosten” (FAQs in German here) two additional funds (for books and articles) have been created to financially support Open Access publications arising from DFG-research projects research carried out at FAU. The existing FAU-publications fund will continue to operate under its established conditions.
Please take note of the 3 distinct submission forms and funding criteria. For all publications you are requested to indicate the correct affiliation (see also FAU´s PDF, not barrier-free).
In general, only FAU members who are also the corresponding author of the relevant publication are permitted to submit a funding request (article 17 Bavarian Higher Education Act).
We recommend that you do not pay eligible invoices yourselves but submit them to us for payment by the Bayerische Staatsoberkasse. We will pay the invoice as soon as possible and potentially issue you with an invoice if there is an author contribution (sent to an address of your choice). In case of third-party funding of the author contribution please note that we cannot issue invoices to addresses outside of Germany.
If you have already paid for an eligible invoice and would like a refund (within a timeframe of approximately 6 months), please complete this form and return it alongside the original invoice and payment confirmation (e.g. credit card statement) to
The address on your invoice needs to be a FAU-address. Please also quote the USt.-ID-/VAT-Nr. DE 132507686. If your invoice is addressed to an institution which is classed as external in terms of VAT (such as the university clinic), we cannot process your invoice. If this is the case you will be asked to request a revised invoice from your publisher.
The DEAL-publishers Wiley and SpringerNature will not issue individual invoices for APCs any longer. Instead, the library will receive a quarterly invoice for all FAU-affiliated articles published during the respective quarter. Individual articles will be checked for funding eligibility by the library and you might receive an invoice from the library for the full or partial amount. Please complete the relevant forms and tick the box “Wiley or SpringerNature DEAL – no invoice” instead of uploading a document.
DFG-Project Fund Articles: Support for an Open Access article based on my current DFG-project
DFG-Project Fund Books: Support for an Open Access book based on my current DFG-project
FAU Publications Fund: Support for non-DFG-based, eligible Open Access articles produced at FAU