Institutional memberships
Through its institutional memberships and other contractual agreements, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) receives discount on open access publication fees from the following publishers:
Publisher | Discount | Terms |
BioMed Central / SpringerNature | 20% | Applicable to fully Open Access journals covered by DEAL (exceptions: Scientific Reports, Nature Communications). See also Internal Funding Options for Articles in Fully Open Access as part of DEAL and Read and Publish agreements Springer Nature DEAL.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the recent switch to DEAL please avoid selecting the BMC membership option in the drop down menu on the BMC payment options page when you submit. Please select the option “I agree to pay” instead. Upon acceptance the fee will be covered by DEAL and is subject to the requirements of the FAU publications fund or DFG-project fund. If your paper is not backed by a DFG-project at FAU, you will receive an invoice from the library for any remainder above the maximum subsidy of 1.500 € or for 100% in case the fee exceeds the maximum fundable amount of 3.000 € (incl. VAT). Please note that the publisher does not grant additional discounts and that previously agreed individual discounts will be overwritten by DEAL. For DFG-project based articles, a maximum of 1.500 € will be contributed to the article by the library, even if the fee is above 3.000 €, and the author will be invoiced the excess amount. You will receive an email from the library on acceptance of your article outlining the funding options and further action points. |
Cambridge University Press | 100% | 2022-2024: Discount applies to most fully open access journals of the publisher and to the open access option in most hybrid journals (please note, the agreement covers articles published from 1. January 2022). For journal eligibility, please check here. For further details on the agreement and eligible article types, see here. |
Cogitatio Press | 100% | Discount applies to all open access journals of the publisher: |
Hogrefe (PsyJOURNALS) | 25% | Discount applies to the fully open access journals of the publisher (European Journal of Psychology Open; Psychological Test Adaptation and Development PTAD; Sports Psychiatry – Journal of Sporty and Exercise Psychiatry) |
Frontiers | 10% (DFG articles only) | Applicable to all Frontiers journals for DFG-backed articles. Please ensure to include the DFG in the section “funding information” and “funder” in the author portal on submission. Invoices will be sent directly to the university library. At this stage the library will prompt you to complete the application form. |
JMIR Publications | Article Processing Fees (APFs) capped at 2.500 € net.
Upon request only (please contact, for further information see JMIR Knowledge Base) Reductions are intended to achieve funding eligibility, if no own (e.g., third-party) funds are available for financing. |
Applicable only to articles by JMIR Publications (see journal portfolio) which qualify for financial support through the FAU Publications Fund.
If authors have their own or third-party funding, JMIR will invoice authors the full APC. The full APC will also be charged for articles funded via the DFG-Project Fund – authors will be responsible for any amount above the library contribution of 1.500€. See also Open Access funding criteria for the DFG Project Fund. Invoices are routinely issued in USD but the publisher will adjust the amount according to flucatuations in the exchange rate on request. |
MDPI | 15% | Discount applies only to open access journals of the publisher. |
Sage | 20% | Discount applies exclusively to open access journals of the publisher (see title list). |
SCOAP³/publications in the field of high energy physics (HEP) | 100% | 100% discount for the following journals:
For the following more general journals, costs can only be covered for HEP content:
Articles which are considered HEP content are those for which HEP is set as the main category in arXiv before they are submitted to the publisher: |
SPIE – The International Society for Optics and Photonics | 100% | Applicable to fully Open Access journals and hybrid journals. |
Wiley | 20% | Applicable to fully Open Access journals covered by DEAL. Upon acceptance the fee will be covered by DEAL and is subject to the requirements of the FAU publications fund or DFG-project fund.
If your paper is not backed by a DFG-project at FAU, you will receive an invoice from the library for any remainder above the maximum subsidy of 1.500 € or for 100% if the fee exceeds the maximum fundable amount of 3.000 € (incl. VAT). Please note that it is unlikely that the publisher will grant additional discounts, previously agreed discounts might be overwritten by DEAL. For DFG-project based articles, a maximum of 1.500 € will be contributed to the article by the library, even if the fee is above 3.000 €, and the author will be invoiced the excess amount. You will receive an email from the library on acceptance of your article outlining the funding options and further action points. See also Internal Funding Options for Articles in Fully Open Access Journals as part of DEAL and Read and Publish agreements Wiley DEAL. |