Year: 2023

Starting next week, the largest group work area in the Main Library, Reading Room 5, will be modernised for you. Flooring and electrics will be renewed. In addition, a range of new furniture options will provide space for learning, collaboration and project work for groups of different sizes. Unf...

Category: News

At the university library you will find a suitable study environment to prepare for your next exam. The study room navigator helps you find your favourite seat, depending on whether you prefer to work in a group or alone, are looking for a study space in Nuremberg, at the Technical Faculty in Erlang...

Category: News

The University Library (UB) warmly welcomes all new students for the summer semester 2023 and wishes them every success in their studies at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).

Category: FAU, News

Are you looking for a learning space where you can study in silence after 6 pm in the Erlangen city centre and all the spaces in the main library are occupied? The University Library supports you in your search with the database of all library locations, the so-called "learning space navigator". Yo...

Category: FAU, News

The University Library is launching a new, modular training programme. In 30-minute online training sessions you will get to know the University Library and its services as well as receive important tips on searching for books, e-books and scholarly articles. The two modules, Library Basics and Cata...

Category: News