What happens if I don’t return my books in time?
We will send you an information e-mail before the deadline to remind you to return your media in time. Nevertheless, please check your personal account on a regular basis. There, you will find the current, binding lending periods of your media.
For students only: Please bear in mind that the e-mail address used for e-mail exchange is by default your FAU student e-mail address. If you wish to have your e-mail sent to another private e-mail address, please add the new one to your User Data in the catalogue.
Charge Collection Procedure
In case you’ve forgotten to return your media in time, we are obligated to charge you. The amount of the charges is according to the Bavarian Cost Law. After receiving the warning letter, please immediately return the requested media.
Otherwise, you risk additional, incremental charges.
Please pay outstanding fees at a payment terminal with your FAUcard, your OHMcard, your library card, or a guest card of the Studentenwerk.
Reclaim Procedure
Regarding members of the research staff, a reclaim procedure will be initiated after expiration of the deadline. If you fail to return media, you are liable to pay for the new literature that will be bought as substitute.
How long may I keep borrowed media?
Media available for loan at the Main Library (HB), the Science and Technology Branch Library (TNZB), the Economic and Social Sciences Branch Library (WSZB), and the Educational Science Branch Library (EZB) usually have a lending period of four weeks. Please note that certain types of media (for example periodical volumes, reading room only media) or media already reserved by multiple people have shorter lending periods.
Lending periods for media from Departmental Libraries (shelfmarks ranging from 01 to 18, and 98SP) may be limited, sometimes borrowing is even not possible.
Further information on specific conditions of borrowing can be found for each medium in particular in the catalogue under Location guide.
How can I extend the loan period of borrowed media?
Log in via the Account/Renewal tab within the catalogue with your UB-ID number and password. The account balance shows all borrowed media. You now have the possibility to extend the loan period of individual items or to renew the entire account. Please note that you can only renew media ten working days before the loan period ends.
Reserved items and items that have already been renewed six times cannot be renewed. Subsequent renewals are also not possible.