
Where can I top up the credit on the library card?

The credit on the library card can be topped up at the locations Main Library, Technical and Scientific Branch Library, Economic and Social Sciences Branch Library and Educational Science Branch Library either in the library rooms or in publicly accessible rooms. Only euro banknotes can be deposited at machines for loading credit. Card payment is also possible in some cases.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

For all matters regarding the library, literature research, and how to employ the various services available, our staff at the Information Desks (one each at their respective library) will gladly assist you with your problem.

For contact information, please refer to Locations.
If you prefer, you can also contact us via Ask a librarian.

Is training available on how to use the library?

The library offers “New to the Library” training for English-speaking students.
Please refer to: Training

How can I use the computer workstations available at the library?

The computer workstations at the University Library of Erlangen-Nürnberg mainly serve the purpose of literature research. They are for all users to help them with their studies, research, and whatever stage of professional training they are on. Please mind the Terms of Use.
Every user of the University Library has access to our internet workstations. There you have the possibility to do research using the internet, use the library’s electronic services, print out documents and much more.
Details on how to login to the workstations can be found on the spot.

Students of FAU also have access to CIP-Pools, rooms providing multiple computers to use (Login with FAUcard’s IdM password).

Further information on every PC workplace at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), as well as information on the eqiupment, can be found on the homepage of the Regionales Rechenzentrum Erlangen (RRZE).
Additionally, students at FAU have the possibility to access the internet via the WiFi connection.
Further information on this topic can also be found on the homepage of the RRZE.

Which library services can I use remotely and which ones require me to be present in person?

The catalogue is accessible through our website and offers the means to search, order and borrow books (this entails amongst other things: Checking your library account, renewing of the loan period of previously borrowed media, and reserving of currently lended media)
Through our homepage, you have furthermore access to the catalogues of regional and other libraries.
Full-fledged access to databases and E-Journals requires a PC with connection to the University Network.
Remote access to the network can be granted via a VPN client. The range of accessible media through this method, however, is limited.
Please refer to this webpage.

What does it cost?

In general, the services of the University Library are free for everyone.

For issuing a library card as a non-FAU member, exceeding the loan period, and certain special services (for example Document Delivery Services, …), fees will be demanded.
For information on the exact amount of those, please refer to: Fees & Charges

Who may use the services of the University Library?

The University Library is open to university members and the general public (students from grade 11).
If you’d like to order or borrow books, or use the reading room, then you are required to hold a valid library card.

For information on which documents and data to provide for issuing a library card, please refer to:
How do I get a library card?

When are the different libraries open?

Please refer to: Locations & Opening Hours

Where are the libraries of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg located?

Please refer to: Locations & Opening Hours

Are lockers for safekeeping available at the University Library?

Many locations of the University Library offer lockers for safekeeping of the belongings that you don’t want to bring with you into the Reading Room.
Usually, lockers can only be occupied for the day and will be emptied the next morning (before the respective library opens).

If you want to store books and documents at the University Library securely for a longer period, permanent lockers are available at four locations of the University Library.