Departmental library 07: Modern Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Theatre & Media Studies
Lending library
Address: Bismarckstr. 1B, room: B701, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-22935, -22422, -22926
10.02.-21.04.: 07AB, 07DS, 07OR and 07TH Closed During the Lecture-free Period Due to Construction Work
10.02.-21.04.: 07AB, 07DS, 07OR and 07TH Closed During the Lecture-free Period Due to Construction Work
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- Descriptive catalogue
- classified arrangement
Bitte richten Sie Ihren Ausleihwunsch per Mail an, oder
Sie erhalten dann eine E-Mail mit der Angabe, wo und wann das Medium für Sie bereit liegt.
Opening hours
Semester and semester break
For opening hours, please phone
07AM90 | Ausgewählte Fortsetzungen - borrowable |
07DS90 | Niederlandistik, Volkskunde - borrowable |
07LI | Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft - borrowable |
07RO90 | Ausgelagerter Bestand - borrowable |
07TH90 | Ausgewählte Fortsetzungen |
including: Bibliothek des Zentralinstituts für Regionalforschung, Sektion Nordamerika
Lending library
Address: Bismarckstr.1, Eingang: C602, room: C401/402, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-22923 (Aufsicht), -22935 (Verwaltung)
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive catalogue , classified catalogue
- classified arrangement
- book scanner, copying facility, internet workstations
- new book list
Opening hours
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 19.00 Uhr |
Semester break
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 19.00 Uhr |
07AM05 | AV-Medien - borrowable |
07AM10 | Reference works, weekend loan |
07AM20 | Folio - borrowable |
07AM30 | Kasten - not borrowable |
07AM40 | Secreta - not borrowable |
07AM50 | Non-lending copies of books, weekend loan |
07AM80 | Study books - borrowable |
07AM90 | Location 07AB - borrowable |
07AM91 | Screta, Location 07AB - not borrowable |
Lending library
Address: Bismarckstr. 1, room: B501, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-22921, -22422 (Verwaltung)
10.02.-21.04.: 07AB, 07DS, 07OR and 07TH Closed During the Lecture-free Period Due to Construction Work
10.02.-21.04.: 07AB, 07DS, 07OR and 07TH Closed During the Lecture-free Period Due to Construction Work
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptiveand subject catalogue , classified catalogue, catalogue by keywords and subject headings
- classified arrangement
- book scanner, copying facility, internet workstations
- new book list
Opening hours
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 19.00 Uhr |
Semester break
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 19.00 Uhr |
07DS05 | AV-Medien - borrowable |
07DS50 | Non-lending copies of books - not borrowable |
07DS60 | Glaskasten - not borrowable |
07DS80 | Study books - borrowable |
07DS90 | Location 07AB - borrowable |
Lending library
Address: Bismarckstr. 12, room: 0.320, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-25909
Telefax: +49 9131 85-29251
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive and subject catalogue
Bibliothek geschlossen, der Bestand muss über den Katalog bestellt werden und ist ausleihbar.
Reference library
Address: Bismarckstr. 8, room: 0.104 und 0.110, 91054 Erlangen
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive and subject catalogue
Bibliothek geschlossen, der Bestand muss über den Katalog bestellt werden und ist ausleihbar.
Reference library
Address: Bismarckstr. 6, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-24676 (Dr. Karin Rädle), -22422 (Verwaltung)
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive and subject catalogue
Bitte fragen Sie eine Ausleihe bei an. Sie werden benachrichtigt, wo und zu welchen Zeiten das Medium bereitliegt.
Opening hours
Semester and semester break
Prior arrangement recommended.
Lending library
Address: Bismarckstr. 1, Eingang C602, room: C501/502, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-22923 (Aufsicht), -22935 (Verwaltung)
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive and subject catalogue , classified catalogue
- classified arrangement
- copying facility, internet workstations
- new book list
Opening hours
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 19.00 Uhr |
Semester break
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 19.00 Uhr |
07EN02 | Schrank - not borrowable |
07EN05 | AV-Medien - borrowable |
07EN50 | Non-lending copies of books, weekend loan |
07EN80 | Study books - borrowable |
07EN90 | Location 07AB - borrowable |
07EN91 | Location 07AB - not borrowable |
Reference library, short loan
Address: Bismarckstr. 1a, Erdgeschoss, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-29150 (Aufsicht)
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive catalogue
- new book list
CDs/DVDs/Videos und die Signaturgruppen 07JA/030. 812-840 als Handapparate in der Artilleriestraße 70
Lehrstuhl für Japanalogie mit Schwerpunkt Japan der Moderne und Gegenwart
Opening hours
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 15.00 Uhr |
Semester break
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 14 Uhr Uhr |
including: Parts of the collection of the Center for Area Studies, Middle East Section
Lending library
Address: Bismarckstr. 1, room: B601, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-22449 (Aufsicht), -22422 Verwaltung (Bibliothek), -23462 (Verwaltung)
10.02.-21.04.: 07AB, 07DS, 07OR and 07TH Closed During the Lecture-free Period Due to Construction Work
10.02.-21.04.: 07AB, 07DS, 07OR and 07TH Closed During the Lecture-free Period Due to Construction Work
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive and subject catalogue, classified catalogue
- classified arrangement
- book scanner, copying facility, internet workstations, Scanner
- new book list
Opening hours
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr |
Semester break
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 14.00 Uhr |
07OR/GS90 | Zeitschriften |
07OR01 | Assyriologische Bestände |
07OR30 | BaFID -Bestand |
07OR50 | Präsenzbestand |
Lending library
Address: Bismarckstr.1, room: C801, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-22736 ( Aufsicht), -22926 ( Verwaltung)
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive catalogue
- classified arrangement
- Library floor plan room C801, Library floor plan room C802,
- book scanner, copying facility, internet workstations
- new book list
Opening hours
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr |
Semester break
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 14.00 Uhr |
07RO01 | Pléiade-Bestand - not borrowable |
07RO02 | Secreta - not borrowable |
07RO03 | Vorstand - not borrowable |
07RO05 | AV-Medien - borrowable |
07RO10 | Bibliographien - not borrowable |
07RO20 | Wörterbücher - not borrowable |
07RO21 | Nachschlagewerke - not borrowable |
07RO30 | Fachdidaktik - borrowable |
07RO40 | Zeitschriften - not borrowable |
07RO50 | Non-lending copies of books - not borrowable |
07RO70 | Karten, Sprachatlanten - not borrowable |
07RO80 | Study books - borrowable |
07RO90 | Location 07AB - borrowable |
Address: Werner von Siemens St. 61, room: 2. OG, 91052 Erlangen
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive catalogue
- classified arrangement
Lending library
Address: Artilleriestr. 70, room: 00.118/00.119, 91052 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-23650 (Bibliothek), -22448 (Sekretariat)
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- OPACplus, (Western-language literature) / Chinese literature, classified catalogue,
- classified arrangement
- copying facility, microfiche reader, microfilm-scanner, internet workstations
- new book list
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday | 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr |
Wednesday | 10:00 - 17:00 Uhr |
Friday | 10.00 - 13:00 Uhr |
Semester break
Monday, Tuesday | 10:00 - 15:00 Uhr |
Wednesday, Thursday | 12:00 - 17:00 Uhr |
Friday | geschlossen |
07SI01 | Non-lending copies of books - not borrowable |
07SI49 | SASS collection - borrowable |
07SI60 | Computerraum - not borrowable |
Reference library, short loan
Address: Hartmannstraße 14, Gebäude D 3, 91052 Erlangen
Phone: 09131 85-64340
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive catalogue
- classified arrangement
Opening hours
Semester and semester break
Prior arrangement recommended.
Lending library
Address: Bismarckstr. 1, room: B201, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-23485
10.02.-21.04.: 07AB, 07DS, 07OR and 07TH Closed During the Lecture-free Period Due to Construction Work
10.02.-21.04.: 07AB, 07DS, 07OR and 07TH Closed During the Lecture-free Period Due to Construction Work
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Ingold Zeisberger
- descriptive catalogue
- classified arrangement
- copying facility, internet workstations
- new book list
Institut für Theater- und Medienwissenschaft
Opening hours
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr |
Semester break
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 14.00 Uhr |
07TH02 | Raritäten - not borrowable |
07TH05 | AV-Medien - borrowable |
07TH50 | Non-lending copies of books - not borrowable |
07TH60 | Non-lending copies of books - not borrowable |
07TH70 | Large formats - borrowable |
07TH90 | Location 07AB - borrowable |