Read and publish agreements
“Read and Publish“ refers to agreements between library consortia and publishers which also cover the Open Access publishing in subscription journals (hybrid journals). Specific information on all “Read and Publish” agreements, which FAU participates in, can be found below. For information on funding or discounts for articles in fully Open Access journals please check our funding options and institutional memberships.
From 2021 a publish and read agreement will cover the BMJ Journals Online Standard Collection (28 journals). FAU authors have full access to these journals and are entitled to free open access publishing in the collection’s hybrid journals (original research articles only and with the exception of “The BMJ”). For further information and a journal eligibility checker, please follow this link (Select “Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg” in the drop-down menu and the journal list will appear on the right).
From 01/01/2022 until 31/12/2024, FAU-affiliated corresponding authors will be able to publish an unlimited amount of articles as Open Access for free and uncapped in the vast majority of Cambridge University Press’s fully Open Access journals and hybrid journals as part of a consortial agreement co-ordinated by the BSB. Please take note that only Open Access fees are covered by the agreement. The author will be responsible for any additional publication charges that might arise from their publication (such as colour page charges, etc).
- Here you can find more information and an author’s guide.
- To check the eligibility of your chosen journal, please use this waiver and discount checker tool.
- Only “original research” articles are covered by the agreement, which are defined by the publisher as research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports and case reports.
- Please ensure to select the FAU or university clinic as your affiliation during the submission process.
- On acceptance, please select the Open Access option (for hybrid journals) and choose a Creative Commons licence (the university library recommends the CC-BY licence). We will confirm your affiliation and your Open Access fee will be waived (you will receive a Rightslink confirmation email once this process is complete).
As of 1 January 2021 FAU corresponding authors are able to publish Open Access free of charge and uncapped in the following journals of The Company of Biologists:
- Development
- Journal of Cell Science
- Journal of Experimental Biology
When submitting via the publisher’s author portal please select the Open Access option. In case of acceptance you will be asked to fill out a publication agreement and generate an invoice with the note “Seek funding from [Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg]”. We will confirm your affiliation and you will receive a 100% discount. Further details regarding the process can be found in the author’s guide:
The Company of Biologists Agreement 2024 – 2026: The agreement will be extended from 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2026. The following fully Open Access journals will be added:
- Disease Models & Mechanism
- Biology Open
All members of German university and non-university research institutions receive a discount of 20% on the article publication fees in about 40 journals of the publisher EDP Sciences (a precise listing of the journals can be found here) thanks to negotiation successes of the Technical Information Library (TIB) Hannover.
The hybrid journals of EDP Sciences cannot be co-funded by the Open Access Publications Fund, as the fund is intended for fully open access journals only.
“Read”-component: For detailed information on journal lists, included imprints, and more, please see the Elsevier-contract and further contract information from the DEAL consortium.
„Publish“ component:
Which publications are subject to DEAL?
- The contract start date for the publication component was 10.01.2024, from then on, eligible accepted articles are covered by the DEAL contract (the “Acceptance date” is the determining date).
- Eligible article types: Full Length Articles; Review Articles; Case Reports; Data in Brief; Microarticle; Original Software Publication; Protocol; Replication Study; Short Communication; Short Survey; Video Article.
- A journal list overview for publishing and which journals are excluded (table sheet “excluded-ch-cptl”) can be found at the Max Planck Digital Library.
Who can publish under DEAL?
- FAU authors (students and staff) with „Submitting Corresponding Author“ status. The corresponding author is used to match the article to the agreement. You have to consider this at submission stage! The submission has to be carried out by the corresponding author themselves and must not be delegated to other members of staff because if they were to leave FAU the article would no longer be covered by the DEAL agreement between FAU and Elsevier. Subsequent changes to corresponding author status cannot be taken into consideration.
What types of funding are available?
- If your article is published in an Elsevier hybrid journal
- At present, FAU authors themselves do not incur any costs when selecting the open access option in hybrid journals (no author contribution either). The Elsevier costs are expected to be jointly financed between 50% central FAU and 50% faculty participation.
- At the time of acceptance, you will receive an e-mail with a link to select the publication options. Please click “Complete the rights and Access form” and select FAU or the University Hospital Erlangen and your department etc., if available, under “Corresponding Author’s Organization”. At the end, select “Publish as an Open Access article” and your preferred CC license. The University Library recommends CC BY 4.0.
- If your article is published in an Elsevier fully Open Access journal
- The DEAL contract offers a 20% DEAL discount on Open Access fees for Elsevier journals and a 15% discount on Open Access fees for Cell Press and The Lancet journals (see title list, „included-ch-cptl“, filter on “Core Gold”, Cell Press Gold” and/or “The Lancet Gold”) for over 700 fully Open Access journals of the publisher. Unfortunately, previously agreed individual discounts/waivers will be overwritten by DEAL.
- No invoicing to you directly by the publisher – instead, collective invoice to FAU and onward billing by the University Library to the Submitting Corresponding Author, taking into account subsidy/funding opportunities (see below).
- Individual discounts are not possible. The publisher only acknowledges potential discounts with newly founded gold Open Access journals (“introductory discounts”) and Special Issues, as long as the discount is granted directly by the publisher. Discounts as part of a societal membership (“membership discounts”) will unfortunately be overwritten by the DEAL discount of 20%, even if the society would have granted a bigger discount.
Funding scenarios for DEAL articles in fully Open Access journals:
- If your article is based on a DFG-funded research project: The library will pay up to 1500 € towards your APC, regardless of the total APC amount. If your APC exceeds 1500 €, the library will invoice you the remaining amount. Please complete the appropriate submission form when prompted by an email from the Open Access team. If you do not complete the form we cannot assess your funding eligibility and you will be invoiced the full amount. You will not receive an invoice from the publisher so please tick this box instead of uploading an invoice:
- If your article is not based on a DFG-funded research project and you do not have any third-party funding available to cover OA costs:
- Your article adheres to the funding criteria: The library will cover up to 1.500 €, provided the total APC does not exceed 3.000 €.(incl. 19% VAT). The author will receive an invoice from the library for any remaining amount if the APC (incl. 19% VAT) ranges between 1.501 € and 3.000 €. APCs below a total amount of 1.500 € will be funded in full. The new funding cap came into effect on 27. 1. 2023. Please complete the appropriate submission form when prompted by an email from the Open Access team. If you do not complete the form we cannot assess your funding eligibility and you will be invoiced the full amount. You will not receive an invoice from the publisher so please tick this box instead of uploading an invoice:
- Your article does not adhere to the funding criteria, e.g. the APC (incl. 19% VAT) is above 3.000 €: You will receive an invoice for 100% of the total APC (+VAT, -20% DEAL discount) from the library>/span>.
Futher information and FAQs can be found on the DEAL Operations webpage run by the Max Planck Digital Library. The complete and continuously updated list of Elsevier journals that are part of the DEAL contract can be found here:
See “Wiley – Project DEAL”
On 1. Januar 2021 a Publish & Read agreement with Hogrefe came into effect.
This agreement enables FAU corresponding authors to publish Open Access in all hybrid journals of the publisher’s PsyJOURNALS portfolio at not extra cost. Please follow this link for a list of all eligible titles and article types:
(this page is in German only, please contact us if you need further information:
Upon acceptance you will receive an Open Access release form from the publisher which you need to complete with your choice of an open license – we recommend that you select CC-by.
From 01/01/2022 until the end of 2024, FAU authors are entitled to publish an unlimited amount of articles as Open Access in the majority of IOP’s hybrid journals free of charge (check your journal’s eligibility here – from 2023 Reports on Progress in Physics will be part of the agreement. New additions to the list of fully Open Access journals (D) from 01/01/2024 are Environmental Research: Energy and Environmental Research: Food. The hybrid journal Applied Physics Express will be flipped to a fully Open Access journal on 01/01/2024. IOP SciNotes will be discontinued at the end of 2023). IOP will automatically identify articles that are potentially eligible (based on the institution of the corresponding author). On acceptance, IOP will ask the university library to validate the author’s affiliation in order to authorize funding via the agreement. You will not receive an invoice from IOP or the library for selecting the Open Access option in eligible journals.
However, a few select journals will raise page charges in addition to the free open access option, which will be invoiced directly to the author, namely Applied Physics Express and Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Both journals charge up to an additional 480 GBP per article. If you reject the free Open Access option with Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the journal will charge an alternative publication fee (113 USD per page and an extra 154 USD for additional information).
Further information can be found on the pages of the Technical Information Library (TIB) and IOP:
- IOP Publishing Support:
- List of eligible journals (included journals are listed in sections A, B and D):
At the end of 2022, the hybrid journals Plasma Research Express and Multifunctional Materials ceased publication.
Eligible article types are: Research Paper, Special Issue and Review Article.
From 1 January 2024 FAU-affiliated corresponding authors will be eligible to publish their articles as Open Access free of charge and uncapped in all of the publisher’s journals.
All articles of the type “Research Article”, “Reviews” and “Introductory Articles”submitted during the duration of the agreement (1 January 2024 – 31 December 2024) are eligible.
From 01. 01. 2025 a new Nature Publish and Read Agreement permits FAU and UK corresponding authors to publish articles as Open Access at no extra cost in Nature and a number of Nature Research hybrid journals.
Visit for more information, a list of eligible journals can be found here.
Only the article type “primary research article” is covered by the agreement.
Please note that the fully Open Access journals of the Nature portfolio are invoiced centrally via Springer Nature Project DEAL and there might be a cost contribution to yourselves. For cost information regarding specific journals please consult the Springer Nature DEAL list of eligible journals. Here you can finde Information on funding options for fully Open Access journals.
From 1 January 2024 FAU-affiliated corresponding authors will be eligible to publish their articles as Open Access free of charge and uncapped in the following three biomedical journals:
From 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2027: The new RSC Platinum Model enables FAU-affiliated corresponding authors to publish their articles as Open Access free of charge in the publisher’s hybrid and fully Open Access journals – eligible journal list.
The publisher uses institutional email addresses as identifier for eligibility. Therefore, we encourage you to use your institutional email address during submission.
For further steps in the author portal post-acceptance, please see the author workflow flyer.
Articles of the following types are eligible: Original Research Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications, Short Reports, Case Reports.
Through the Sage Portal, eligible authors will be identified and contacted via email. Please confirm your Open Access choice via the link in this email – please note that there is an expiry date by which the process will have to be completed. After this date, your article might not be covered by the agreement.
Further information can be found here:
The consortial agreement remains in place in 2024. FAU members are able to publish an unlimited amount of articles as Open Access in SPIE journals at no extra cost.
This applies to all journals of the society, including fully Open Access journals.
Articles will be published under a CC BY license.
When submitting your paper via the SPIE portal please select the open access option “One or more authors belong to an institution that has an open access publishing agreement with SPIE” and choose FAU from the drop-down menu below. Here is a detailed submisison guide: SPIE Journal Submission Guide
“Read”-component: For detailed information on journal lists, included imprints, and more, please see SpringerNature-contract
Which publications are subject to DEAL?
- Eligible article types in SN hybrid journals: Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication, Editorial Notes, Book Reviews, Letters and Reports.
- Eligible article types in SN fully Open Access journals: Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication.
- Please note that Nature-branded hybrid journals are not covered by this agreement – however, as of 01. 01. 2025 there is a separate agreement covering a number of Nature-branded hybrid journals. Nature-branded fully Open Access journals have limited DEAL coverage.
- To assess your funding eligibility, please check the publication model of your journal and DEAL-reduced APCs using the journal list at Max Planck Digital Library
Who can publish under DEAL?
- FAU authors (students and staff) with corresponding author status
- Authors have to be affiliated with FAU or the university clinic at acceptance stage, ideally also at submission stage. Delays due to longer peer reviews and authors moving between institutions can be taken into consideration in individual cases.
What types of funding are available?
- If your article is published in a SN hybrid journal
At present, the fees for the Open Access option are funded by the library in full. If you choose the Open Access option, you will not receive an invoice from the publisher or the library.
At acceptance, you will be asked to confirm your affiliation with FAU. There are three possibilities to do this:
- Select FAU in the Drop-down Menu in the author portal (preferred)
- Use your FAU-email address to submit
- Submit from within the university network
- For more information, see the SN author’s guide:
Please note: You need to mention FAU as your primary affiliation in the final manuscript.
- If your article is published in a SN fully Open Access journal
- There are two funding options for fully Open Access journals, see below.
- A 20% DEAL discount is applied to the majority of fully Open Access journals covered by DEAL. A full list of included journals can be found here: Previously agreed individual discounts/waivers will be overwritten by DEAL.
- You will not receive an invoice from the publisher in any case but might receive an invoice from the library, please see scenarios below.
Funding scenarios for SN DEAL fully Open Access articles:
- If your article is based on a DFG-funded research project: The library will pay up to 1500 € towards your APC, regardless of the total APC amount. If your APC exceeds 1500 €, the library will invoice you the remaining amount. Please complete the appropriate submission form when prompted by an email from the Open Access team. If you do not complete the form we cannot assess your funding eligibility and you will be invoiced the full amount. You will not receive an invoice from the publisher so please tick this box instead of uploading an invoice:
- If your article is not based on a DFG-funded research project and you do not have any third-party funding available to cover OA costs:
- Your article adheres to the funding criteria: The library will cover up to 1.500 €, provided the total APC does not exceed 3.000 € (incl. 19% VAT). The author will receive an invoice from the library for any remaining amount if the APC (incl. 19% VAT) ranges between 1.501 € and 3.000 €. APCs below a total amount of 1.500 € will be funded in full. The new funding cap came into effect on 27. 1. 2023. Please complete the appropriate submission form when prompted by an email from the Open Access team. If you do not complete the form we cannot assess your funding eligibility and you will be invoiced the full amount. You will not receive an invoice from the publisher so please tick this box instead of uploading an invoice:
- Your article does not adhere to the funding criteria, e.g. the APC (incl. 19% VAT) is above 3.000 €: You will receive an invoice for 100% of the total APC (+VAT, -20% DEAL discount) from the library.
More terms and conditions can be found on the DEAL information page.
Futher information and FAQs can be found on the DEAL Operations webpage run by the Max Planck Digital Library.
In 2024, as part of an ongoing transformative agreement, FAU corresponding authors will be able to publish original research as Open Access free of charge and uncapped in the following Thieme hybrid journals:
- International Journal of Sports Medicine
- Pharmacopsychiatry
- Thrombosis and Haemostasis
- Methods of Information in Medicine
Please follow this link for the submission portal:
“Read”-component: For detailed information on journal lists, included imprints, and more, please see the Wiley contract summary and Wiley DEAL Operations pages.
Which publications are subject to DEAL?
- Eligible article types: “primary research articles” and “reviews”
- Non-eligible article types: Non-peer-reviewed content (e.g. research news, editorial board messages, introduction) and some other publication formats (dissertation, meeting report, media review, erratum, retraction notice)
- New from 01. 01. 2023: Most Hindawi journals are now covered by Project DEAL. For exceptions see the journal list.
To assess your funding eligibility, please check the publication model of your journal and DEAL-reduced APCs using the journal list at Wiley.
Who can publish under DEAL?
- FAU authors (students and staff) with corresponding author status
- Authors have to be affiliated with FAU or the university clinic at acceptance stage, ideally also at submission stage. Delays due to longer peer reviews and concurrent moves between institutions can be taken into consideration in individual cases.
What types of funding are available?
- If your article is published in a Wiley hybrid journal
- At present, the fees for the Open Access option are funded by the library in full. If you choose the Open Access option, you will not receive an invoice from the publisher or the library.
- During the submission process, please choose the FAU or the university clinic as your affiliation from the drop-down menu.
- The corresponding author’s affiliation with FAU or university clinic needs to be clearly stated in the final manuscript.
- For further information see the author’s guide.
- If your article is published in a Wiley fully Open Access journal
- DEAL covers over 200 Wiley fully Open Access journals.
- A DEAL discount of 20% will be automatically applied to all APCs for DEAL-eligible articles in fully Open Access journals. Individually arranged waivers of discounts are likely to be overwritten.
- You will not receive an invoice from the publisher in any case but might receive an invoice from the library, please see scenarios below.
- During the submission process, please select the following option under “Who will pay?”: “my institution or funder has an agreement with Wiley and may pay the Article Processing Charge” – please enter the Open Access account code “D634” for FAU or “D679” for the university clinic.
- Please note: You need to mention FAU as your primary affiliation in the final manuscript
- Author’s guide.
Funding scenarios for Wiley DEAL fully Open Access articles:
- If your article is based on a DFG-funded research project: The library will pay up to 1500 € towards your APC, regardless of the total APC amount. If your APC exceeds 1500 €, the library will invoice you the remaining amount. Please complete the appropriate submission form when prompted by an email from the Open Access team. If you do not complete the form we cannot assess your funding eligibility and you will be invoiced the full amount. You will not receive an invoice from the publisher so please tick this box instead of uploading an invoice:
- If your article is not based on a DFG-funded research project and you do not have any third-party funding for OA costs available:
- Your article adheres to the funding criteria: The library will cover up to 1.500 €, provided the total APC does not exceed 3.000 € (incl. 19% VAT). The author will receive an invoice from the library for any remaining amount if the APC (incl. 19% VAT) ranges between 1.501 € and 3.000 €. APCs below a total amount of 1.500 € will be funded in full. The new funding cap came into effect on 27. 1. 2023. Please complete the appropriate submission form when prompted by an email from the Open Access team. If you do not complete the form we cannot assess your funding eligibility and you will be invoiced the full amount. You will not receive an invoice from the publisher so please tick this box instead of uploading an invoice:
- Your article does not adhere to the funding criteria, e.g. the APC (incl. 19% VAT) is above 2000 €: You will receive an invoice for 100% of the total APC (+VAT, -20% DEAL discount) from the library.
Please view Wiley’s author guide and the DEAL Operations Website run by the Max Planck Digital Library for further information.