Doctoral theses service
Publishing doctoral theses
Doctoral regulations according to § 17 Abs. 4 of the Rahmenpromotionsordnung (RPromO) of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg in the latest valid version
The Economics and Social Sciences Branch Library is responsible for the School of Business and Economics.
The above mentioned offices will be able to assist with questions regarding the submission of the required copies of the doctoral thesis. Please direct general inquiries about the doctoral procedure or the doctoral thesis and for (for example publication ethics related) conflicts to your responsible Office of Doctoral Affairs or other support offices.
Obligatory use of the unedited German template for title pages as provided in the appendix of the General Doctoral Regulations. Optional use of the English version as an addition is allowed.
Use of logos (either FAU or institute/industry partner/etc.) or other graphical elements on the title pages is prohibited.
Book must be identified as a thesis originating from FAU, either in the acknowledgements/foreword or in the imprint/front matter, e.g.: „Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Jahr XXXX von der XXXX Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg als Dissertation angenommen.“
The original thesis title must be stated if the title of the published version has been changed (acknowledgements/foreword or imprint/front matter)
Supporting information for this process can be found within the FAQ at OPEN FAU
Blocking notice
Please submit the approved blocking notice together with the upload on OPEN FAU. Further extensions are possible for the School of Business, Economics and Society. Information and the blocking notice form can be found here:
FAU University Press (in accordance with § 17 Abs. 4 Nr. 2 of the RPromO in the latest valid version), or
a commercial publisher as a book with an ISBN number and the publisher confirms a minimum circulation of 150 copies if demand is sufficient (in accordance with § 17 Abs. 4 Nr. 1 RPromO).
Please send your printed copies to the department responsible for your faculty (see above) and include your email-address to receive a confirmation of receipt. A personal deposit during our office hours is also possible.
For doctoral theses that include a blocking notice (embargo) the confirmation will also be issued immediately, not after the end of the blocking period.
However, in legally unproblematic cases, such as articles published under a Creative Commons (CC) licence, it is advisable to publish the Open Access articles in full text in accordance with FAU’s Open Science Policy. Please note the licence selection for the entire dissertation when uploading to OPEN FAU: If all included articles have been published under the same CC licence (for example CC-BY 4.0), then this license should be chosen. If the articles have been published under different but compatible licences, it is advisable to choose the stricter licence form (see Creative Commons Mixer). If the articles have conflicting CC licences, please select ‘The copyright and licence rights of the publisher and any open access rights negotiated with it apply’ when uploading your thesis to OPEN FAU. In this case additional information regarding the licenses for each individual article should be stated in the PDF of your thesis, either within the articles themselves or in a separate publication list which includes the copyright information.
This information is only meant as guidance, the doctoral theses services so not provide any legally binding information. For inquiries and help please contact the Open Access legal counsel of the university library.