What are the different questionnaires for?
Currently the FAU RDMO installation offers:
- RDMO standard questionnaire, name: RDMO
This is the basic questionnaire that is provided by the development team of RDMO. It covers all major topics in data management and it quite detailed. Since the questionnaire was not designed with a specific subject or discipline in mind, some aspect are only treated in passing.
This questionnaire is suitable for planning data management at the start or – ideally – before the start of a project.
- RDMO questionnaire with additional information for the humanities. name: RDMO with information for humanitiesThe questions are almost identical to the questions of standard RDMO catalogue. Some oft the questions will show additional information or examples for the humanities.
- Catalogue for Horizon 2020 projects, Name: Horizon 2020 Catalogue
This questionnaire follows the guidelines and templates provided by the ERC for H2020 projects. Some additional information and recommendations are provided that are not part of the h2020 questionnaire. However, all questions are taken directly from the official ERC templates. It is therefore recommended to use the English version. You need to change language to English for this.
- A DMP template for DFG project / grant applications, DFG grants
This DMP collects the DFG requirements / recommendations that are mentioned in application guidelines as well as the discipline-independent “Guidelines for Research Data”. The questionnaire can be used for standard DFG projects and CRC proposals.
Note: Some disciplines need to take into account further requirements (see the discipline-specific guidelines of DFG). In particular, edition science, (corpus) linguistics, educational sciences, die economic sciences, psychology as well as biodiversity research. Only some of these requirements are currently part of the questionnaire.
However, there is a growing number of discipline-specific DFG questionnaires. Each has a name of the form DFG grants (DISCIPLINE) and covers the most important DFG requirements for a specific discipline. Please also note the guidelines linked above. These are frequently updated by DFG.
Note that for some disciplines there are tailored DMP tools. For example, one should consider using DataWiz, a tool by the „Leibniz-Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation” for projects in psychology and the GFBio DMPT (biodiversity research). In particular, DataWiz addresses the intricacies of psychological research projects in far more detail than RDMO.