Departmental library 10: Biology
Reference library
Address: Loschgestr. 1/0, room: 107, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-22669 (Sekretariat)
Telefax: +49 9131 85-22746
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Jürgen Rohrwild
- descriptive catalogue
- classified arrangement
Opening hours
Semester and semester break
Prior arrangement recommended.
Reference library
Address: Henkestr. 91 (IZMP), 91052 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-23081
Telefax: +49 9131 85-23080
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Jürgen Rohrwild
- descriptive and subject catalogue
- classified arrangement
Opening hours
Semester and semester break
Prior arrangement recommended.
Shared library for Department Biology
Lending library
Address: Staudtstr. 5, B1, room: E03.784, 91058 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-28098, -28099
Fachreferent/in: Dr. Jürgen Rohrwild
- descriptive and subject catalogue
- classified arrangement
- book scanner, copying facility, internet workstations, print-outs possible on copier in Gruppenbibliothek Physik, computer lab ("CIP pool")
- new book list
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday | 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr |
Friday | 10.00 - 13.30 Uhr |
Semester break
Monday - Thursday | 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr |
Friday | 10.00 - 13.30 Uhr |
Monday - Friday | 10.00 - 14.00 Uhr |
10GB01 | Stacks - über den Katalog bestell- und borrowable |
10GB05 | Audiovisual media - borrowable |
10GB06 | IT Media - borrowable |
10GB20 | Tierphysiologie - not borrowable |
10GB21 | Entwicklungsbiologie - not borrowable |
10GB22 | Pharmazeutische Biologie - not borrowable |
10GB23 | Genetik - not borrowable |
10GB24 | Computational Biology - not borrowable |
10GB25 | Zellbiologie - not borrowable |