How do I publish my dissertation purely electronically on OPEN FAU?

All information on dissertations can be found at your doctoral office and for library-based dissertation publications at the University Library’s Dissertation Office page:

In order to get a better experience with OPEN FAU, we recommend you to use Edge or Chrome and a laptop or PC. Firefox and small mobile devices like tablets or mobile phone may display incorrect the website and may cause unexpected problems.

Before publishing, please clarify whether a blocking notice (delayed publication of your dissertation for at least one year) may need to be applied for. Once your dissertation has been published, it cannot be subsequently embargoed.

  • Log in to DSpace and go to “My publications.”
  • Drag your dissertation file into the designated area or upload the file.
    Please double check your file before uploading according to the following criteria:
    • Are my title pages designed according to the specifications of the latest RPromO?
    • Are the date of the oral examination and reviewer(s) noted?
    • Are all personal data removed that I do not want to publish? For example, place of birth on the title page, private thanks, dedications and especially your curriculum vitae.
    • Is the file in PDF/A standard?
    • Are all images still displayed correctly after conversion to PDF/A?
  • Select your faculty.
  • For Document type, select: Doctoral thesis.
  • Fill out the upload form
    • Special characters can be used only in abstract, comment and bibliographical reference fields (details under: Markdown, MathJax).
  • Regarding the license, please refer to the FAQ item “Which license should I choose?”
  • Read the legal notice and agree by checking the appropriate checkbox.
  • Submit the work.

In addition, we need the form “Druckfreigabe” from your supervisor. You can find the form “Druckfreigabe” in the downloads of your DocDaten or you can get it directly from your supervisor. Please send us the approved print release to

For doctoral candidates at the School of Business, Economics and Society (Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften), the “Druckfreigabe” does not exist and is substituted by the “Vollzugsantrag” which should be sent to

After submission, you will receive feedback from us via email, usually no later than the next business day, if any changes are needed or if any documents are missing. If everything is in order, we will send a submission confirmation by email to the appropriate promotion office, with a copy to you.

What do you need to consider in terms of content?

The title page and the second page (and the cover page if applicable) must comply with the rules set forth in the appendix of the General Doctoral Regulations, for further instructions see also: Please also observe the further specifications in the General Doctoral Regulations and FAU’s guidelines for safeguarding good academic practice.

The provisions of the General Doctoral Regulations notwithstanding, the author’s CV does not need to be published. Since the thesis will be permanently accessible to the global public, this may be waived for privacy reasons. Please remove the CV from your publications before publishing in these cases. The CV cannot be deleted later on. The same applies to other sensitive personal data, such as the name of the birthplace on the title page of the dissertation as well as any signatures (either your own or that of any co-authors of included papers). Please omit these personal information like the birthplace in the version to be published. However, the thesis must still be marked as coming from FAU.

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT)

With ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT), our University Library contract with ProQuest provides indexing & abstracting in a renowned subject database, and a print distribution service for all OPEN FAU dissertation publications available in digital-only format. FAU doctoral students are eligible for a royalty from these based on sales and use of their dissertation, provided they contact and set up an account. Royalty rates are currently set at 10% of net income.

Since the General Doctoral Regulations of FAU don’t stipulate the transfer of your thesis to ProQuest as a mandatory part of the publishing requirement, it is also possible to have the dissertation removed from PQDT. In such cases, please inform and CC the library’s repository team at: Please use the following template for your removal request email: “As the author of the following thesis, I hereby request the removal of said thesis from ProQuest’s service PQDT: [Thesis Title]. Please see the relevant information regarding the approval of removal requests on my University Library’s online repository:

As an additional benefit, ProQuest makes archival quality print copies available to you to purchase at a discounted price. Order your copy at by searching for it (note, there may be some delay between OPEN FAU publication and indexing in PQDT). Verify that you are the author before check-out to receive discounted pricing. FAQ and instructions available at