Advice and training
Do you need help finding the right sources among the many academic publications available or do you have a question about the services offered by the University Library? The University Library Erlangen-Nürnberg (UB) provides a range of advisory services and courses to help you improve your information literacy. You can contact the UB via the online information service at any time if you have any questions or suggestions. The staff at the University Library’s information desks can provide support in person and over the telephone.
You can learn more about how to look for, find, evaluate and mange information effectively in the UB’s training courses. The ‘Basiswissen Bibliothek’ course teaches users how to use the library catalogue, while the ‘Aufbauwissen’ course provides more advanced information on the wide range of facilities and services on offer, such as FAUdok and database searches. Courses for specific subjects focus on how to use different sources of information, research tools and strategies.
In addition to general and subject-specific information events, the wide range of services on offer also includes individual support, such as through UB Coach.