Economic and Social Sciences Branch Library (WSZB)
Lending library
Address: Lange Gasse 20, Ebene 3, 90403 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 911 5302-95318 (Borrowing services), -95830 (Information)
Telefax: +49 911 5302-95852 / -397
Improved Learning Conditions for FAU Students in the WSZB
- descriptive catalogue
- classified arrangement
- Library floor plan
- Study spaces (space management by red "break disk"!), book scanner, copying facility, microforms reader
- Internet workstations, WLAN
- Day and permanent lockers with your own padlock
- new book list
Special collections: Economic and Social Sciences
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Borrowing services
Phone: +49 911 5302-95318 / -95115; E-Mail:
Semester and semester break
Monday - Saturday | 08.00 - 24.00 Uhr |
Sunday | 10.00 - 24.00 Uhr |
Library cards
Phone: +49 911 5302-95318 / - 95115; E-Mail:
Semester and semester break
Monday - Thursday | 08.00 - 17.00 Uhr |
Friday | 08.00 - 15.30 Uhr |
Reading rooms, textbook collection, catalogues, databases, internet
Phone: +49 911 5302-95830; E-Mail:
Semester and semester break
Monday - Saturday | 08.00 - 24.00 Uhr |
Sunday | 10.00 - 24.00 Uhr |
Information desk
Phone: +49 911 5302-95830; E-Mail:
Semester and semester break
Monday - Thursday | 08.00 - 17.00 Uhr |
Friday | 08.00 - 15.30 Uhr |
13AW | Departmental library, stacks Findelgasse - for order via the catalogue, to loan, actually no access - borrowable |
13GT | Departmental library - borrowable |
13GT01 | Departmental library - borrowable |
13GT05 | Departmental library - for order via the catalogue, for loan - borrowable |
13GT06 | Departmental library EDV-Medien - for order via the catalogue, for loan - borrowable |
13GT40 | Departmental library Zeitschriften BWL, VWL, Business Education - not borrowable |
13GT41 | Departmental library Zeitschriften Recht - not borrowable |
13GT42 | Departmental library Zeitschriften Statistik - not borrowable |
13GT43 | Departmental library Zeitschriften Sozialwissenschaften - not borrowable |
13GT61 | Departmental library Psychologie, Tests - not borrowable |
13GT64 | Departmental library reference shelf staff council - not borrowable |
13GT71 | Departmental library reference shelf periodicals department - not borrowable |
13SO | currently loaned to department - not borrowable |
W00 | Open access - borrowable |
W01 | Stacks Findelgasse - for order via the catalogue, to loan, actually no access - borrowable |
W02 | Stacks Findelgasse - for order via the catalogue, to loan, actually no access - borrowable |
W03 | Stacks - for order via the catalogue, to loan - borrowable |
W05 | AV media - for order via the catalogue, to loan - borrowable |
W10 | Open access, non-lending copies of books in the textbook collection - not borrowable |
W13 | Stacks Findelgasse, for order via the catalogue, to loan, actually no access - borrowable |
W15 | Reference shelf reference desk - not borrowable |
W20 | Open access reference work - not borrowable |
W40 | Stacks Findelgasse - for order via the catalogue, for loan, actually no access - borrowable |
W50 | Open access journals - limited loan period 2 weeks, no extension |
W65 | Reference shelf management - not borrowable |
W66 | Reference shelf acquisition - not borrowable |
W67 | Reference shelf catalogue - not borrowable |
W70 | Reference shelf reader services - not borrowable |
W80 | Open access textbook collection - borrowable |
W99 | Lockers - borrowable |