Which publications does OPEN FAU accept?

The following categories of electronic documents are stored on and disseminated through OPEN FAU:

  • Current publications as well as copies of already published documents by FAU members with scientific content
  • Series of publications from FAU
  • Publications and series of publications such as collected editions, congress volumes, research reports, journals (e-journals) or series published by FAU members
  • Documents that must be published according to examination regulations
  • Final papers by FAU students such as Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, and Thesis for Admission to State Examination (with at least 10 ECTS), if publication is recommended by the supervisors or another member of teaching staff and if they were graded as “sehr gut” (excellent). Proof of this shall be submitted by the author.

Documents that have not undergone one of FAU’s internal quality assurance processes, do not meet the requirements for final papers and theses given above and have not been reviewed by the Academic Advisory Board (see Regulations for the Scientific Advisory Board (german)) may only be stored if they have undergone a recognised academic quality assurance process (e.g. peer review) or are addenda (research data, videos, images, etc.) to or predecessors (preprint, working paper, etc.) of documents that have undergone such processes.