How do I order a book via Interlibrary Loan?
In general, the order can be only be placed online. You have got two options:
- Searching the local catalogue:
In case your searching the stack of the university library did not bring the results you have sought, click tab “B3 Union Catalogue: ILL”.
After selecting a hit, click on Get Document and then the SFX button.
Via Holdings in the Bavarian Library Network, you will first reach a log-in screen (if you are not already logged in) and then the order page.
Here you can select when to deliver your chosen medium at the latest, what edition to deliver and other specifications. In doing so, we ask you to fill out the order mask as completely as possible. Perhaps the step by step guide will help.
In some cases, the method described above does not deliver satisfactory results.
You can then try the following:
- Using Gateway Bayern:
Log in first, before entering a search request.
In case you have found your title, press SFX and then Holdings in Bavarian Library Network.
In case your efforts stayed fruitless, you can use the link Interlibrary Loan from the Additional Sercives menu to order a book from another library. Please fill out the order form as thoroughly as possible.