New books lists
Central Libraries
Please select your relevant subject from the new books list of the Main Library, the Science and Technology Branch Library, the Economic and Social Sciences Branch Library and the Educational Science Branch Library.
- General and comparative philology
- General, Book and Library, Media
- Architecture, Fine Arts, Photography
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Chemical Technology
- German studies
- Electrical engineering
- English studies
- Energie-, Maschinen-, Fertigungstechnik
- Energy-, Mechanical-, Production engineering
- EZB Historical school publications
- Geography
- Earth sciences
- History, Archaeology, economic and social history
- Computer Science
- Classical philology
- Mathematics
- Medicine
- Music, Theatre, Dance, Film
- Nature, Science
- Philosophy
- Physics, Astronomy
- Politics
- Psychology
- Law
- Romance studies
- Slavonic studies
- Social Sciences, Statistics
- Sports
- Philology of other languages
- Technology
- Theologie, Religion
- Environmental care, space development, landscaping
- Material science
- Economics
Departmental library
- Departmental library : Theology
- Departmental library 02: Law
- Departmental library 03 : History and Ethics of Medicine (03GM)
- Departmental library 04: Educational Science, Philosophy, Psychology (04PA)
- Departmental library 05: Political Science (05PO)
- Departmental library 05: Social Science, Economics (05SO)
- Departmental library 06: Classical Archaeology (06AR)
- Departmental library 06: Ancient History / Classical Philology (06AG / 06KP)
- Departmental library 06: Indo-European and Indo-Iranian Studies (06IN)
- Departmental library 06: Art History (06KU)
- Departmental library 06: Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and the Modern Era (06LM)
- Departmental library 06: Medieval and Modern History (06MI/06LG)
- Departmental library 06: Eastern European History (06OE)
- Departmental library 06: Prehistory and Early History (06UF)
- Departmental library 07: American Studies (07AM)
- Departmental library 07: German Studies (07DS)
- Departmental library 07: English Studies (07EN)
- Departmental library 07: Oriental Philology (07OR)
- Departmental library 07: Romance Studies (07RO)
- Departmental library 07: Theatre and Media Science (07TH)
- Departmental library 08: Book Studies and Digital Humanities (08NU)
- Departmental library 09: Physics
- Departmental library 10: Biology
- Departmental library 12: Geography (12GG)
- Departmental library 12: Geology, Mineralogy (12GL / 12MN)
- Departmental library 12: Palaeontology (12PA)
- Departmental library 14: Engineering
- Departmental library 15: Educational Science (Nürnberg)
- Departmental library 18: Mathematics, Computer Sciences and RRZE (18MI)
- Departmental library 98: Sports Centre (98SP)