How do I use Google Scholar?
The academic search engine Google Scholar presents you articles from e-journals and printed media, both with and without a need to pay for access.
Through the linking service SFX, search results from Google Scholar are linked with licensed electronically available media from the University Library Erlangen-Nürnberg (UB), as well as printed media.
Google Scholar has to be set up and personalized for your use:
Access the subpoint „Settings“ via the menu symbol.
There, click on „Library links“.
Enter „Erlangen“ into the textbox.
Select „Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg SFX@UB_FAU“, then „save“ the selection.
- With articles from journals that the library has a license for, clicking the SFX button leads directly to the full text. This also works from home if you’ve identified yourself as a member of FAU via VPN.
- With books, clicking the SFX button (which can be hard to find at first) will lead directly to the catalogue of the UB.