Library Basics
Datum / Date: 23. März 2023
Uhrzeit / Time: 15:00 - 15:30 Uhr
16 Plätze verfügbar / available spaces
Termin in Kalender importieren / Import event to calendar: iCal
Zielgruppe / Target audience: International students and staff, Studierende
Veranstaltungsort / Location: online
Überblick / Summary
In the 30 min online course “Library Basics” (Module 1) you will get basic information about your university library and library services.
There will be time to answer your questions.
After you attended module 1 we recommend to attend Module 2 “Catalogue Basics”.
- Your FAUcard as library card
- Locations of FAU library
- Learning spaces at FAU library
- Online services by FAU library
This is an online course via Zoom! You will receive the invitation link before the start of the course via email.
Dozent / Instructor:
Dauer / Duration: 30 Minuten
Anmeldung / Registration: online
Treffpunkt / Meeting point: online
Mindestanzahl Teilnehmer / Minimum number of participants: 3
Schulung buchen / Book course
Buchungen sind für diese Schulung nicht mehr möglich.