Library and Catalogue Basics for International Students
Datum / Date: 7. März 2025
Uhrzeit / Time: 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr
32 Plätze verfügbar / available spaces
Termin in Kalender importieren / Import event to calendar: iCal
Zielgruppe / Target audience: International students and staff, Studierende
Veranstaltungsort / Location: online
Überblick / Summary
FAU Welcome Week
In the 60 minutes online course “Library and Catalogue Basics” you will get basic information about your university library and library services.
Plus: You will learn how to find and access literature for your next paper.
- Your FAUcard as library card
- Locations of FAU library
- Learning spaces at FAU library
- Online services by FAU library
— - Search for scientific literature via the library catalogue
- Interlibrary loan and document delivery service
- How to find e-books and e-journals
- Overview of the database infosystem (DBIS)
There will be time to answer your questions.
Art der Schulung: / Type of training Vortrag und Übung
Dozent / Instructor:
Dauer / Duration: 60 Minuten
Anmeldung / Registration: online
Treffpunkt / Meeting point: online
Mindestanzahl Teilnehmer / Minimum number of participants: 3