Guided Library Tour: TNZB Erlangen

Datum / Date: 25. April 2023
Uhrzeit / Time: 11:00 - 11:30 Uhr
10 Plätze verfügbar / available spaces

Termin in Kalender importieren / Import event to calendar: iCal

Zielgruppe / Target audience: International students and staff, Studierende

Überblick / Summary

You will get answers to many questions concerning the Science and Technology Branch Library Erlangen.
Address: Erwin-Rommel-Str. 60, 91058 Erlangen

  • How do I activate my FAUcard for library use?
  • Where can I find the most important textbooks and reference works for my subject area?
  • How do I find a desk in the reading rooms of the library?
  • Where can I find printers, scanners and copying machines?



Art der Schulung: / Type of training Vortrag

Dauer / Duration: 30 Minuten

Anmeldung / Registration: keine Anmeldung erforderlich

Treffpunkt / Meeting point: entrance area of the library

Mindestanzahl Teilnehmer / Minimum number of participants: 3

Schulung buchen / Book course

Buchungen sind für diese Schulung nicht mehr möglich.