Explore your FAU libraries
Datum / Date: 16. November 2021
Uhrzeit / Time: 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr
14 Plätze verfügbar / available spaces
Termin in Kalender importieren / Import event to calendar: iCal
Zielgruppe / Target audience: International students and staff, Studierende
Veranstaltungsort / Location: online
Überblick / Summary
Stuck with your literature search? – Check out our guide on how to find what you are looking for and more!
In the online training “Explore your FAU libraries” you will learn how to find and access literature for your next paper.
There will be time to answer your questions.
- Services provided by FAU libraries
- Researching the catalogue
- Interlibrary Loan
- E-Books, E-Journals and databases
- Where to find the right place for learning and studying in FAU libraries
Art der Schulung: / Type of training Vortrag & Übung
Dauer / Duration: 60 Minuten
Anmeldung / Registration: online
Treffpunkt / Meeting point: online
Mindestanzahl Teilnehmer / Minimum number of participants: 3
Achtung! Die Teilnahme erfolgt über Zoom / Attention! The event has been organized via Zoom
Sie erhalten die Einladung zur Veranstaltung rechtzeitig vor Veranstaltungsbeginn per Mail. / You will receive an invitation to the event by mail in time before the event starts.
Schulung buchen / Book course
Buchungen sind für diese Schulung nicht mehr möglich.