Neuerwerbungen im Juni 2024

Stand: 06.07.2024, 06:37 — Zahl der Neuerwerbungen: 19

Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) : new standards, technologies and communication systems / edited by Kashif Naseer Qureshi and Thomas Newe. – First edition. – Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, 2024. – xi, 218 Seiten : Illustrationen, 1290 gr
Part A: Artificial Intelligence Evolution in Internet of Things Networks and Its Fundamental Concepts. Ch 1. Artificial Internet of Things: A New Paradigm of Connected Networks Kashif Naseer Qureshi and Thomas Newe.   Ch 2. Advanced AIoT Applications and Services Raja Waseem Anwar, Alaa Ismael, and Kashif Naseer Qureshi. Ch 3. Tri-Tier Architectures for AIoT Networks Muhammad Ahmed and Kashif Naseer Qureshi. Ch 4. Standards and Policies Adoption for AIoT Networks Adil Hussain and Kashif Naseer
Qureshi. Ch 5. AIoT as a New Paradigm for Distributed Networks Sheetal Harris, Hassan Jalil Hadi, Yue Cao, and Kashif Naseer Qureshi. Part B: Data Communication Systems for AIoT Networks.      Ch 6. Networking and Protocols for AIoT Networks Saleem Iqbal, Syed Amad Hussain Shah, Saqib Majeed, and Saud Altaf.    Ch 7. Novel Machine and Deep Learning and Training Techniques for AIoT Muhammad Saidu Aliero, Yakubu Aminu Dodo, and Kashif Naseer Qureshi. Ch 8. Role of Blockchain Models for AIoT
Communication Systems Ibrahim Tariq Javed and Kashif Naseer Qureshi. Ch 9. Big Data Analytics for AIoT Networks Faisal Rehman, Muhammad Anwar, Naveed Riaz, Anees Ul Mujtaba, and Hanan Sharif. Ch 10. Green Communication Systems for AIoT Networks Aizaz Raziq, Kashif Naseer Qureshi, and Muzaffar Rao. Ch 11. Cybersecurity Standards for AIoT Networks Usman Ahmad, Hassan Zaib, and Kashif Naseer Qureshi. Ch 12. Future Privacy, and Trust Challenges for AIoT Networks Ayesha Aslam, Kashif Naseer Qureshi,
and Thomas Newe.
ISBN 9781032552996 – ISBN 9781032553078
T00/mat 10.3.7-96

Bellanger, Maurice:
Digital signal processing : theory and practice / Maurice Bellanger, CNAM, Paris, France. – Tenth edition. – Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2024. – xix, 374 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 254 mm
This is the English language translation of the French original Traitement Numérique du Signal 10th edition by Maurice Bellanger (c) Dunod 2022 and is the 4th edition in English
EST:Traitement numérique du signal
ISBN 978-1-394-18266-4
Schlagwort: Digitale Signalverarbeitung
Schlagwort: Digitalübertragung
Schlagwort: Signalverarbeitung
T00/elt 16-114(10)

Currie, Anne:
Building green software : a sustainable approach to software development and operations / Anne Currie, Sarah Hsu, and Sara Bergman ; foreword by Adrian Cockcroft. – First edition. – Sebastopol, CA : O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2024. – xx, 219 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-1-098-15062-4 – ISBN 9781098150624 – ISBN 1098150589 – ISBN 9781098150594 – ISBN 1098150597
RVK: ZI 3100
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T00/mat 11.1-117

Drysdale, David:
Effective Rust : 35 specific ways to improve your Rust code / David Drysdale. – First edition. – Beijing ; Boston ; Farnham ; Sebastopol ; Tokyo : O’Reilly, 2024. – ix, 284 Seiten : Illustrationen, 233 mm
ISBN 978-1-098-15140-9
Schlagwort: Rust <Programmiersprache>
T00/mat 12.1.4-182

Hopkins, Bruce:
ChatGPT for Java : a hands-on developer’s guide to ChatGPT and Open AI APIs / Bruce Hopkins. – Berkeley, CA : Apress, [2024]. – xiv, 233 Seiten : Illustrationen, 235 mm
Chapter 1: Introducing ChatGPT for Java Developers.- Chapter 2: Using ChatGPT as Your Java Pair-Programmer.- Chapter 3: Using AI in the Enterprise!:Creating a Text Summarizer for Slack Messages.- Chapter 4: Multimodal AI: Creating a Podcast Visualizer with Whisper and DALL·E 3.- Chapter 5: Creating an Automated Community Manager Bot with Discord and Java.- Chapter 6: Enhancing Our Bot for Both Q&A and Content Moderation.
ISBN 979-8-8688-0115-0
T00/mat 12.1.3-658

Hughes, Christopher J.:
Single-instruction multiple-data execution / Christopher J. Hughes (Intel). – Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2015]. – xv, 105 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. – (Synthesis lectures on computer architecture ; 32)
Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke
ISBN 978-3-031-00618-0
T00/mat 10.3.1-447

Hyman, Jack A.:
Data analytics & visualization : all-in-one / by Jack Hyman (und weitere). – Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, [2024]. – xix, 802 Seiten : Illustrationen, 1478 gr. – (For dummies) (Learning made easy)
Unravel mysteries and tell stories with dataThe world of data analytics requires having a grasp of statistics, visualization tools, business intelligence, and coding. For aspiring data analysts, it’s a lot to figure out on the fly. This book provides a trusty guide for getting a handle on the fundamentals of data. Discover how to dig data out of storage, how to extrapolate insight from it, and how to turn that insight into a story that inspires others. It’s all in a day’s work for a data
analyst.6 Mini-Books Inside.* Learning Data Analytics & Visualization Foundations* Using Power BI for Data Analytics & Visualization* Using Tableau for Data Analytics & Visualization* Extracting Information with SQL* Performing Statistical Data Analysis & Visualization with R Programming* Applying Python Programming to Data Science. – Introduction 1; Book 1: Learning Data Analytics & Visualizations Foundations 7; Chapter 1: Exploring Definitions and Roles 9; Chapter 2: Delving into Big Data 19;
Chapter 3: Understanding Data Lakes 41; Chapter 4: Wrapping Your Head Around Data Science 51; Chapter 5: Telling Powerful Stories with Data Visualization 81; Book 2: Using Power BI for Data Analytics & Visualization 107; Chapter 1: Power BI Foundations 109; Chapter 2: The Quick Tour of Power BI 123; Chapter 3: Prepping Data for Visualization 141; Chapter 4: Tweaking Data for Primetime 167; Chapter 5: Designing and Deploying Data Models 183; Chapter 6: Tackling Visualization Basics in Power BI
203; Chapter 7: Digging into Complex Visualization and Table Data 227; Chapter 8: Sharing and Collaborating with Power BI 247; Book 3: Using Tableau for Data Analytics & Visualization 265; Chapter 1: Tableau Foundations 267; Chapter 2: Connecting Your Data 285; Chapter 3: Diving into the Tableau Prep Lifecycle 313; Chapter 4:^. – ^^ – Advanced Data Prep Approaches in Tableau 337; Chapter 5: Touring Tableau Desktop 351; Chapter 6: Storytelling Foundations in Tableau 371; Chapter 7: Visualizing
Data in Tableau 391; Chapter 8: Collaborating and Publishing with Tableau Cloud 425; Book 4: Extracting Information with SQL 443; Chapter 1: SQL Foundations 445; Chapter 2: Drilling Down to the SQL Nitty-Gritty 455; Chapter 3: Values, Variables, Functions,^. – ^^ – and Expressions 487; Chapter 4: SELECT Statements and Modifying Clauses 513; Chapter 5: Tuning Queries 539; Chapter 6: Complex Query Design 557; Chapter 7: Joining Data Together in SQL 591; Book 5: Performing Statistical Data Analysis
& Visualization with R Programming 605; Chapter 1: Using Open Source R for Data Science 607; Chapter 2: R: What It Does and How It Does It 623; Chapter 3: Getting Graphical 651; Chapter 4: Kicking It Up a Notch to ggplot2 671; Book 6: Applying Python Programming to Data Science 689; Chapter 1: Discovering the Match between Data Science and Python 691; Chapter 2: Using Python for Data Science and Visualization 703; Chapter 3: Getting a Crash Course in Matplotlib 721; Chapter 4: Visualizing the
Data 739; Index 761
ISBN 978-1-394-24409-6
T00/mat 12.2.4-428

Minnick, Chris:
Coding alles-in-einem-Band für Dummies / Chris Minnick, Nikhil Abraham, Barry Burd, Eva Holland, Luca Massaron und John Paul Mueller ; Übersetzung aus dem Amerikanischen von Judith Muhr. – 1. Auflage. – Weinheim : Wiley, 2023. – 843 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 24 cm x 17.6 cm. – (… für Dummies) (Lernen einfach gemacht)
EST:Coding all-In-One for Dummies
ISBN 978-3-527-72108-5 – ISBN 3-527-72108-8
Schlagwort: Codierung, Programmierung, Software Engineering
Schlagwort: Programmierung
RVK: ST 230
RVK: ST 252
RVK: QH 500
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T00/mat 12.1.1-254
H80/ST 240 M665
H80/ST 240 M665+2
H20/ST 240 M665

Mohaghegh, Shahab:
Artificial intelligence for science and engineering applications / Shahab D. Mohaghegh. – First edition. – Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, 2024. – ix, 125 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 910 gr
1. Definition of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2. Brief History of Artificial Intelligence, 3. Science and Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, 4. Modeling Physics Using Artificial Intelligence, 5. Artificial Intelligence versus Traditional Statistics, 6. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI-Ethics) in Science and Engineering, 7. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
ISBN 978-1-032-43904-4 – ISBN 978-1-032-43909-9
T00/mat 19.5-40

Neil, Ian:
CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 certification guide : master cybersecurity fundamentals and pass the SY0-701 exam on your first attempt / Ian Neil. – Third edition. – Birmingham, UK : Packt, 2024. – xxvi, 588 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-1-83546-153-2
T00/mat 17.6-801(3)

Pattanayak, Santanu:
Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2.0 : a mathematical approach to advanced artificial intelligence in Python / Santanu Pattanayak. – Second edition. – Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2023. – XX, 652 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-4842-8930-3
Schlagwort: TensorFlow
RVK: ST 300
T00/mat 19.4.6-326(2)

Portable and wearable sensing systems : techniques, fabrication, and biochemical detection / edited by Qingjun Liu. – Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, [2024]. – xiii, 238 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 24.4 cm x 17 cm
ISBN 978-3-527-35183-1
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T00/mat 10.7-14

Rais, Razi:
Zero trust networks : building secure systems in untrusted networks / Razi Rais, Christina Morillo, Evan Gilman, and Doug Barth. – 2nd edition. – Beijing ; Boston ; Farnham ; Sebastopol ; Tokyo : O’Reilly, 2024. – xviii, 312 Seiten : Illustrationen, 233 mm
ISBN 978-1-492-09659-7
Schlagwort: Computersicherheit, Rechnernetz
T00/mat 17.6-802(2)

Schestag, Rüdiger:
¬Das Affinity Photo-Praxisbuch : von den Grundlagen bis zur professionellen Bildbearbeitung / Rüdiger Schestag. – 1. Auflage. – Heidelberg : dpunkt, 2018. – 1 Online-Ressource (546 Seiten) : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-3-96088-369-2
Schlagwort: Bildverarbeitung
Schlagwort: Affinity Photo
RVK: ST 331
[zu Katalog]

Sipser, Michael:
Introduction to the theory of computation / Michael Sipser. – 3. ed., internat. ed. – Boston, Mass. : Cengage Learning, 2013. – XXII, 458 S. : graph. Darst.
Literaturverz. S. 443 – 447. – Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke
ISBN 978-1-133-18781-3 – ISBN 978-1-133-18779-0 – ISBN 978-0-357-67058-3 – ISBN 1-13-318781-1 – ISBN 1-133-18779-X
Schlagwort: Theoretische Informatik
Schlagwort: Komplexitätstheorie, Berechnungskomplexität
Schlagwort: Automatentheorie, Formale Sprache
RVK: ST 130
RVK: ST 134
RVK: ST 136
T80/2 A 40(3)
T80/2 A 40(3)+2
T80/2 A 40(3)+3
T80/2 A 40(3)+4
T80/2 A 40(3)+5
T20/mat 7.2-892(3)
18MI/mat 7.2-947(3)
13GT01/ST 130 S618(3)

Tan, David:
Effective machine learning teams : best practices for ML practitioners / David Tan, Ada Leung, and David Colls. – First edition. – Sebastopol, CA : O’Reilly Media, March 2024. – xix, 377 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-1-09-814463-0
Schlagwort: Maschinelles Lernen
T00/mat 19.4.6-324
H29/2023 A 1349

Taulli, Tom:
AI-assisted programming : better planning, coding, testing, and deployment / Tom Taulli. – First edition. – Beijing ; Boston ; Farnham ; Sebastopol ; Tokyo : O’Reilly, 2024. – xvii, 203 Seiten : Illustrationen, 233 mm
ISBN 978-1-09-816456-0
T00/mat 19.3-13

Tian, Bin:
Wireless communications / Bin Tian. – Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2024]. – XV, 237 Seiten : Illustrationen, 24 cm x 17 cm. – (Information and computer engineering ; Volume 9) (De Gruyter graduate)
ISBN 978-3-11-075135-2
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T00/mat 17.8.4-32

Wilson, Greg:
Software design by example : a tool-based introduction with Python / Greg Wilson. – First edition. – Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, 2024. – xi, 330 Seiten : Illustrationen, 1390 gr
1 Introduction;  ; 2 Objects and Classes;  ; 3 Finding Duplicate Files ;  ; 4 Matching Patterns ;  ; 5 Parsing Text ;  ; 6 Running Tests;  ; 7 An Interpreter;  ; 8 Functions and Closures;  ; 9 Protocols;  ; 10 A File Archiver;  ; 11 An HTML Validator;  ; 12 A Template Expander;  ; 13 A Code Linter;  ; 14 Page Layout;  ; 15 Performance Profiling;  ; 16 Object Persistence;  ; 17 Binary Data;  ; 18 A Database;  ; 19 A Build Manager;  ; 20 A Package Manager;  ; 21 Transferring Files;  ; 22 Serving
Web Pages;  ; 23 A File Viewer;  ; 24 Undo and Redo ;  ; 25 A Virtual Machine ;  ; 26 A Debugger ;  ; 27 Conclusion ;  ; A Bibliography ;  ; B Bonus Material ;  ; C Syllabus;  ; D License;  ; E Code of Conduct;  ; F Contributing;  ; G Glossary;  ; H Credits;  ; Index
ISBN 978-1-032-72525-3 – ISBN 978-1-032-72521-5
T00/mat 11.1-116