Neuerwerbungen im Juni 2024
Stand: 06.07.2024, 06:37 — Zahl der Neuerwerbungen: 1
¬The megalithic architectures of Europe / edited by Luc Laprte and Chris Scarre. – Reprinted as a paperback in the United Kingdom. – Oxford ; Philadelphia : Oxbow Books, 2022. – viii, 240 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten, 279 mm
B/w and colour. – 1. Preface: megalithic architecture in Europe; Luc Laporte& Chris Scarre; Section 1: The megalith-builders; 2. Menga (Andalucia, Spain): the biography of an exceptional megalithic monument; Leonardo Garcia Sanjuan& Jose Antonio Lozano Rodriguez; 3. Structural functions and architectural projects within the long monuments of Western France; Luc Laporte; 4. Megalithic building techniques in the Languedoc region of southern France: recent excvations at two dolmens in Herault;
Noisette Bec Drelon; 5. Megalithic constructional techniques in north-west France: cairn III at Prisse-la-Charriere; Florian Cousseau; 6. A monumental task: building the dolmens of Britain and Ireland; Vicki Cummings& Colin Richards; 7. The megalithic construction process and the building of passage graves in Denmark; Torben Dehn; 8. Accident or design? Chambers, cairns and funerary practices in Neolithic western Europe; Chris Scarre; 9. Dolmens without mounds in Denmark; Palle Eriksen and Niels
H. Anderson; 10.^. – ^^ – In the eye of the beholder; Jorgen Westphal; Section 2: Cemeteries and sequences; 11. Building forever or just for the time being? A view from north-western Iberia; Ramon Fabregas Valcarce& X.I. Vilaseco Vazquez; 12. The megalithic architecture of Huelva (Spain): typology, construction and technical traditions eastern Andevalo; Jose Antonio Linares Catela; 13. The clustering of megalithic monuments around the causewayed enclosures at Sarup on Funen, Denmark; Niels H.
Andersen; 14. Two types of megaliths and an unusual dolmen at Lont (Denmark); Anne Birgitte Gebauer; 15. Common motivation, different intentions? A multiscalar approach to the megalithic architecture of the Funnel Beaker North Group; Franziska Hage, Georg Schafferer& Martin Hinz; ; Section 3: Chronologies and context; 16. Between East and West: megaliths in the centre of the Iberian peninsula; Primitiva Bueno Ramirez, Rosa Barroso Bermejo& Rodrigo de Balbin Behrmann; 17.^. – ^^ – Megalithic
hollows: rock-cut tombs between the Tagus and the Guadiana; Leonor Rocha; 18. Houses of the dead and natural rocks: new evidence from western France; Philippe Gouezin; 19. The stone rows of Hoedic (Morbihan) and the construction of alignments in western France; Jean-Marc Large& Emmanuel Mens; 20. Paintings in the megalithic monuments of Brittany; Primitiva Bueno Ramirez, Rodrigo de Balbin Behrmann, Luc Laporte, Philippe Gouezin, Rosa Barroso Bermejo, Antonio Hernanz Gismero, JoseM. Gavira-
Vallejo & Mercedes Iriarte Cela; 21. Stability in a changing world: insights from settlement intensity patterns and archaeobotany; Martin Hinz& Wiebke Kirleis; ; Part 4: Conclusion; 22. Ostentation, power, and megaliths: the example of Easter Island; Nicolas Cauwe; 23. A southern point of view; Primitiva Bueno Ramirez& Luc Laporte ; 24. A northern point of view; Chris Scarre& Torben Dehn
ISBN 978-1-78925-809-7 – ISBN 978-1-7857-0014-9
RVK: NF 2025
06UF/11 Arc Eur 1